December 31, 2005 - Playing with Grandma Ellen

(Brynioch is 22 months)
'Ok Grandma, I think that's enough spinning.' 'Here's how the camera works, Bryn...' 'Alright Grandma, now hold still for a picture!' Naptime!

December 29, 2005 - Anders and Bryn, Having a Great Time

(Brynioch is 22 months)

December 28, 2005 - Ander's Birthday

(Brynioch is 22 months)

December 27, 2005 - From Grandma's to Aunt Michelle's

(Brynioch is 22 months)

The morning started in Lumsden...

But by nighttime, we were at Michelle and Ander's in Saskatoon.

December 26, 2005 - Hanging-out on Boxing Day

(Brynioch is 22 months)

December 25, 2005 - Christmas in Lumsden

(Brynioch is 22 months)
Anders and Bryn, in their matching Christmas outfits Matt and Emily Michelle and Lucy

December 24, 2005 - Dinner at Mike's Brother Matt's

(Brynioch is 22 months)
Mike's brother Matthew, his sister Michelle, his mom Ellen, Matthew's wife Sara, and Sara's mother Judy Matt's son Luke Matt's daughter Emily and her Grandpa Nyle (Sara's dad)

December 23, 2005 - On the Plane to Saskatchewan

(Brynioch is 22 months)

December 18, 2005 - Making Faces in the Mirror

(Brynioch is 22 months)
Jill has often found Mike posing in front of the mirror (something he admits to doing throughout his life).  It appears that Byn is no different.  Not only does he enjoy examining his face and its adornments, he also enjoys making a range of expressions, from grumpy to happy to whiney. Stars on Mommy too We visited Mike's birthmother and her family for a Christmas Season dinner.  This is Mike's half-brother Andrew. His other half-brother Mike (yes, they have the same name) Irene (Mike's wife), Desiree (Andrew's wife), and Andrew and Des' dog Kiwi Linda helps Bryn with his new Farm set This toy (an alligator that each lego bricks) with the name 'Blockodile'.

December 11, 2005 - Hair Party cum Christmas Party

(Brynioch is 22 months)
Connor constructing a gingerbread house Bryn eating a gingerbread house. Connor realizing that eating is even more fun than building. Bryn continuing to demonstrate (for Connor's benefit, of course). What a great race track! That train track isn't too shabby either.  (This started Bryn's love of trains.)

December 10, 2005 - Mabey Family Christmas Party

(Brynioch is 22 months)
Bryn loves this horse.  Not only can he sit on it, it also plays a great rendition of the William Tell Overture (a.k.a. the theme from the Lone Ranger).  Back out home, he'll often dole out umbrellas to all in the living room, then start up the music with a squeeze of the horse's ear.  Then he demands that everyone join him in a parade of makeshift umbrella hobby-horses. Dancing with the freaky mechanical snowman.  (Mike is truly creeped out by this contraption, even though loves the grostesque statue in his music room.) Bryn and Jill's brother Aaron. Bryn's cousin Tyler, Bryn, and his Dad.  (Don't look too closely at that silly shirt that Dad's wearing.)

December 4, 2005 - Jill's 32nd-year-old Birthday Party

(Brynioch is 22 months)
The cake was one of Mike's mother Ellens famous cakes.  Unfortunately, this was had been kept in the freezer for almost a year, and was terribly freezer burnt.  Mike still couldn't resist one more bite, before throwing the remainder away.  (A big sigh could be heard throughout the house.)

December 3, 2005 - Jill's Company Christmas Party at Medievel Times

(Brynioch is 22 months)


3 4 The cake was one of Mike's mother Ellens famous cakes.  Unfortunately, this was had been kept in the freezer for almost a year, and was terribly freezer burnt.  Mike still couldn't resist one more bite, before throwing the remainder away.  (A big sigh could be heard throughout the house.) 10 Bryn loves this horse.  Not only can he sit on it, it also plays a great rendition of the William Tell Overture (a.k.a. the theme from the Lone Ranger).  Back out home, he'll often dole out umbrellas to all in the living room, then start up the music with a squeeze of the horse's ear.  Then he demands that everyone join him in a parade of makeshift umbrella hobby-horses. Dancing with the freaky mechanical snowman.  (Mike is truly creeped out by this contraption, even though loves the grostesque statue in his music room.) Bryn and Jill's brother Aaron. Bryn's cousin Tyler, Bryn, and his Dad.  (Don't look too closely at that silly shirt that Dad's wearing.) 11 Connor constructing a gingerbread house Bryn eating a gingerbread house. Connor realizing that eating is even more fun than building. Bryn continuing to demonstrate (for Connor's benefit, of course). What a great race track! That train track isn't too shabby either.  (This started Bryn's love of trains.) 18 Jill has often found Mike posing in front of the mirror (something he admits to doing throughout his life).  It appears that Byn is no different.  Not only does he enjoy examining his face and its adornments, he also enjoys making a range of expressions, from grumpy to happy to whiney. Stars on Mommy too We visited Mike's birthmother and her family for a Christmas Season dinner.  This is Mike's half-brother Andrew. His other half-brother Mike (yes, they have the same name) Irene (Mike's wife), Desiree (Andrew's wife), and Andrew and Des' dog Kiwi Linda helps Bryn with his new Farm set This toy (an alligator that each lego bricks) with the name 'Blockodile'. 23 24 Mike's brother Matthew, his sister Michelle, his mom Ellen, Matthew's wife Sara, and Sara's mother Judy Matt's son Luke Matt's daughter Emily and her Grandpa Nyle (Sara's dad) 25 Anders and Bryn, in their matching Christmas outfits Matt and Emily Michelle and Lucy 26 27 The morning started in Lumsden... But by nighttime, we were at Michelle and Ander's in Saskatoon. 28 29 31 'Ok Grandma, I think that's enough spinning.' 'Here's how the camera works, Bryn...' 'Alright Grandma, now hold still for a picture!' Naptime!